
Starting up school :)

Yes we just started up school awhile ago! ugh! But 8th grade is going way better than 7th grade and more. Right now I just finished the first nine weeks and moving on to the rest of the year, wish me luck!


Winter Retreat

The winter retreat was a blast!! I got to meet new people get closer to people and get closer to God! :D It was freezing yes but it was worth it! can't wait to go next year!
<---- In that photo we are walking around from just getting hot chocolate! and yes it was very HOT!!

Ok so my dad and my grandpa bought this piece of land that was all woods, so the other day our family went to check it out! In the photo I'm on a tree stand that i found! its pretty awesome! I was scared that it would fall but luckily it didn't!


Happy birthday!

Yes it was my birthday a couple of weeks ago, got some awesome stuff!! Also had a big party lots of fun!! hayride, games and a scavenger hunt! :o)



If you think you are miserable take a look at Bella! She just got fixed, she got her Du claws removed and now there a little infected :) and she has to wear "the cone of shame" so she doesn't scratch her stitches! and she looks pretty funny!! ( don't tell her i said that) :0)



Ok so i was really bored at my house and by luck my cousin asked to come over and so i said yes!! But i really didn't know what to do so my mom asked us if we wanted to bake some cookies!! So i was all up for that first we make no bake cookies very good!!! and then we decided to make some chocolate chip cookies but we didn't have enough of some stuff!! but we managed and Madison had this great idea to make chocolate bars i think it was, but then i wanted to make a smiley face out of the dough!! So this is a photo of when it was in the oven!

Cookies!! :)

Ok this is what it looks like after!! so very cute!!! Madison and i had so much fun, and had a couple of accidents along the way :) but they turned out great!!


Summer* Camp*

Ok so this past couple of days I've been at my church's summer camp and the theme was being different i had so much fun!!! I got into a relationship with god and got to spend a lot of times with my best buddys :) this is a photo of where we ate ( my mom was there....... she was the cook, but i'm glad she was there!! :) we also went to Kalahari IT WAS AWESOME, me and some of my friends went on this ride I think it was called the toilet bowl... i really don't know anyhow it was my favorite ride there!


Tubing :o)

Ok, so awhile ago our whole family went to this auction thing, and my parents bought this this for us to go on a boat ride with our aunt and uncle on a boat ride so they took us out on the boat and we stopped at this place on the lake and we ate there oh and it was awww-mazing. The houses on this lake where so beautiful. One house had escalator outside!!! So this is a photo of brev. and i toasting on the boat!! LOL :)


Heather My mom and I all went on a paddle boat and there was a lot of seaweed and i was afraid that it would sink us... LOL but in this photo i seem pretty excited.... ;)


Here we are tubing!!! LOL oh and had so much fun tubing! CRaZy ride!!! lol

Camping ;-)

A couple of weeks ago we decided to go camping with some friends or ours and well i kinda went down a hill and there was a tree root and i fell off my bike and landed on my arm and it is still all scraped up today badly, But i still had a lot of fun 'cause i got to be with my BFFL :) Yeah i'm talking to you Heather :)

Here are some photos....


No comment......

LoL here i was "pretending" lol to eat the hard root beer stuff and like the title says " No comment" oh and in the back ground can you see it on the walls of the fridge.. Heheh ;D( and that was the water bucket with the stuff in it.... GRoSs

Cleaning day... :)

Ok as you can see i have a swivel sweeper (oh and it works nice) and my mom wanted me to clean out the fridge... Yeah not the best thing to be doing, anyhow there was the brown hard stuff( and i know what you are thinking ;) so i had to scrape it out :I YUCK!! and so i had to swivel sweep out the fridge :) it was entertaining , LoL and that brown stuff ended up to be frozen root beer :P don't ask how i figured it out (and this is why God gave us tongues and taste buds.... I'M KIDDING) :)


Ice cream.. YUMMY

Isn't this such a beautiful photo of me?? LOL
Ice cream at dips and dogs :) Yummy! after put putting that i stink at i got a 64 or something like that....c(; (Look at brevin behind me) and you thought i looked funny!! LOL

Cookie day :)

Hahaha Brevin Might hurt me if he sees me putting this on here shhh don't
tell him!! Ok so brev. and I were bored so i was looking through the New paris cook book :P and i found cookies that looked good ( they were amazing btw) :) so there was a lot of dough left so i wiped some on his face and if you know brev. he has to do it right back to you so he went over bored and put tons on me!! lol and i did it back to him!! :)

Photos of graduation

These are my other besties!! Too many to name ;)
Such cutes !! lol love you guys!!

Graduation!!! This is Eva, Brooklyn, Amanda, And I as 7th graders right after we graduated!! Don't we look pretty :D love u girlys



I am so excited I'm a 7th grader!! YAY! But my teacher wasn't at graduation :(, Oh well .The last day of school was fun and exciting, we had a 6th grade walkes through that is when all of 6th grade walk through the halls giving high fives it was awesome! I also gave Mr. haines little hair cut...Long story ;)


Bath day..

So this week has been quite rainy and i hated to See my dog Bella all dirty and wet so.. My mom and I took her out to the shed and put her in a and sink with walls :D She almost didn't fit..but luckily she did. we washed her with soap and rinsed her she would NOT stop squirming!! we got her out and but a towel around her, but she would NOT hold still again so i went back in the house and got a hair drier..Yup she didn't like that ether. OK well by know my mom and i are mad so i let her go and soon enough she is back in the field digging...
That was very intersting... LOL